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Crediting of previous training

PSDeurope Application Form

With this form you inform us that you have previous knowledge to complete the course and therefore you are also entitled to the reduction of the minimum course duration of 6 months

Crediting of previous knowledge towards the total duration of the training:
This form is used to apply for and accept any credits towards the PSDeurope training period


Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.


Clear Signature
Bei guter Selbstausbildung kannst du den Hund bei unserer Assistenzhundetrainerin überprüfen lassen um die gesamte Kursdauer auch ohne Zertifikat zu reduzieren. Buche dazu ein Einzeltraining. Bei positiver Bewertung können wir je nach Feedback die Ausbildungsdauer um 1 oder um 2 Monate reduzieren.
With good self-training, you can have the dog checked by our assistance dog trainer to reduce the total course duration even without a certificate. Book an individual training for this purpose. If the evaluation is positive, we can reduce the training duration by 1 or by 2 months, depending on the feedback.
